WIll. Jem. Ms Clare, why must you create two wonderful characters and make Tessa choose between them? I thought I could choose between the two of these characters, but it wasn't possible. Anyway, this book was much better than the first in my opinion. It had so much more going on because it wasn't just introducing the characters and building them up, which is what the first book consisted of. This book did have a slower start for me, especially since I was trying to remember what happened in the first book. Around page 250, it really picked up. However, once it picked up, I wasn't able to put it down.
Will. What can I say about this broken young man. Living with what he has, I just wanted to pull him out of the book and into 2013 and make him realize that everything will be okay. Having to push those that care for you away, I don't understand why or how people can do it. Will has to (or at least thinks he does) to protect them from himself, but they really didn't need to be pushed away. (Sorry, you'll have to read the book to see what I mean.) Oh Will, you are the wild one who intrigues Tessa. Why did you have to push her away for so long? You could have had her if you kept her close. But, you became such a wonderful character and continued to amaze me.
Jem. Even through your sickness, you are strong and beautiful, pulling in Tessa when she is pushed away by Will. That was what made me skeptical about you. When Tessa was vulnerable after everything that transpired between her and Will, you were there as a shoulder for her to lean on, even though she is a strong young lady. It was like she was drawn to you because you didn't push her away, but what if Will figured out everything sooner? Woud she still turn to you or would she ultimately go to Will? Especially if she has to convine herself of her feelings and that she is doing the right thing.
Yeah, I know, this book isn't heavy on the romance and I focused on it, but hey, hopeless romantic, this pulled me in. As to the rest of the story, the Magister is still making everyone's life miserable. He turns Tessa's brother (who really isn't her brother at all) against her, and makes one of the Institute's own turn against them. And he still wants Tessa, to marry(?) or to carry out some evil plan of taking down the Clave and Institute or whatever. Tessa, Will, and Jem are no closer to finding him than they were when the book first began and have lost all leads (especially when Tessa's "brother" dies). A war is looming the future between the Shadowhunters and the clockwork machines. There is some connection between Tessa's necklace that her brother told her to always keep on and the clockwork machines that the Magister is building. I have some ideas, but feel like they are wrong. Now I just need to wait for the next book to arrive to see if I was right or wrong.
Read on!
Maddy Nicole ^.^
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