Sunday, June 30, 2013


I know, I know, I finish like a book a day, get over it. I enjoy reading and there are plenty of other things I could be doing with my life...

Anyway, this book is unlike anything I have ever read. Granted, I have read dystopia books, but this one is so much different. For one thing, girls die at age 20 and boys die at age 25. I am assuming this happened because scientists were trying to find a cure for cancer and ended up reducing everyone's life span. Thank you science. Anyway, some creepy guys, called the Gatherers, gather girls and pretty much sell them to men. These girls end up in polygamous relationships and call the other girls in the marriage "sister wives." Since the guy has anywhere from three to seven wives, he can have more children. Considering a woman only lives to age 20, as soon as their body is capable of baby making, they are impregnated. WTF? I mean I understand woman aren't living long, but at least wait until they are 15 or something, not 13. Nasty.

So the main character, Rhine, has a twin brother and they get separated when Rhine is sent off to marry Linden. Linden seems like the bad guy at first, but he really ins't, it is his creepy father (from the "First Generation" so he still has a normal lifespan). Now, Linden doesn't win any space in my heart, unlike Gabriel. He is the one who really catches Rhine's eye. She even tells him that she won't run away without him, even if she has to take him, kicking and screaming (awww). Linden's father, however, doesn't want Rhine running away because she has brought life back into Linden after his first wife died.  Of course, Rhine wants to run away since she saw Linden's first wife die (she became close friends with her) and then the oldest sister wife (who Rhine also grows close to) dies as well. Rhine also discovers that the ashes Linden is given of his two dead wives aren't even their ashes. Rhine figures this out and wants to get out as fast as she can.

4.5 stars on this book. Once you get over the fact that people are dying at such a young age, the book is actually really good!

Read on!
Maddy Nicole! xoxo

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