Sunday, June 30, 2013


I know, I know, I finish like a book a day, get over it. I enjoy reading and there are plenty of other things I could be doing with my life...

Anyway, this book is unlike anything I have ever read. Granted, I have read dystopia books, but this one is so much different. For one thing, girls die at age 20 and boys die at age 25. I am assuming this happened because scientists were trying to find a cure for cancer and ended up reducing everyone's life span. Thank you science. Anyway, some creepy guys, called the Gatherers, gather girls and pretty much sell them to men. These girls end up in polygamous relationships and call the other girls in the marriage "sister wives." Since the guy has anywhere from three to seven wives, he can have more children. Considering a woman only lives to age 20, as soon as their body is capable of baby making, they are impregnated. WTF? I mean I understand woman aren't living long, but at least wait until they are 15 or something, not 13. Nasty.

So the main character, Rhine, has a twin brother and they get separated when Rhine is sent off to marry Linden. Linden seems like the bad guy at first, but he really ins't, it is his creepy father (from the "First Generation" so he still has a normal lifespan). Now, Linden doesn't win any space in my heart, unlike Gabriel. He is the one who really catches Rhine's eye. She even tells him that she won't run away without him, even if she has to take him, kicking and screaming (awww). Linden's father, however, doesn't want Rhine running away because she has brought life back into Linden after his first wife died.  Of course, Rhine wants to run away since she saw Linden's first wife die (she became close friends with her) and then the oldest sister wife (who Rhine also grows close to) dies as well. Rhine also discovers that the ashes Linden is given of his two dead wives aren't even their ashes. Rhine figures this out and wants to get out as fast as she can.

4.5 stars on this book. Once you get over the fact that people are dying at such a young age, the book is actually really good!

Read on!
Maddy Nicole! xoxo

Fairy Bad Day

I was a bit skeptical of this book, based on its ratings (less than 4 stars) but I am glad that I read it, especially considering it I finished it in a day. This books reminded me of Hex Hall (if you have read this book, I highly suggest Hex Hall). But there were some major differences, which made them their own book.

I really like books like this because they are action, but have a touch of romance. With this case, there is Curtis Green, your average high school, dragon slayer guy. He gets the dragon slayer position, which is the position that Emma wants so she can follow in the footsteps of her dead dragon slayer mother. Emma decides that Curtis is her archenemy without even getting to know him, all because he got the position that she wanted. 

Emma gets the position of fairy slayer and hates it. Of course, something happens that makes her enjoy her position and not give it up when the Principal allows her to switch positions. But, you will just have to read the book to find out what happens. (; (Sorry, no big spoilers in this review!)

Cruise Green. He is not swoon worthy in my opinion, but he is someone I would want to go to my school. Considering this book isn't all about the romance, nothing too hot and heavy happens between Cruise and Emma, just a few stolen kisses here and there (Cruise actually regrets one, especially since he has a big secret!). Other than that, the L word isn't said at all. 

I would give this book 3.5-4 stars. Looking for a book filled with fairies, dragons, and big evil fairies (oh my!), then I would read this book. A book that could be easily read in one day (I did it!).

Read on!
Maddy Nicole (: 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hush, Hush

I normally wouldn't write a blog post until I finished reading a book, however, in this case I needed to write the blog post. I have seen mixed reviews for this book, especially on Goodreads. The book page says it received an average of 4 stars, but the top reviews are all one star ratings. I know this book came out a while ago and I am late reading it, but I heard such great reviews from people who have read it. I am close to the end, nearly 3/4 done) but I just can't figure out what is going on. One review said that this was a rip off of Twilight, but I see no relationship between this book and Twilight.

This book reminds me of Fallen by Lauren Kate. There is the mysterious guy (in this case, Patch) who the Nora can't figure out. People tell her to stay away, but she can't, no matter what. Now, like I said, I haven't finished yet, but I have two scenarios for the ending of this book. 1) It will end like Fallen where they get together, but can't be together or 2) Something will happen (I just have no idea what).

I really think that Nora is onto something as she investigates Elliot. There is something off about him. Or maybe, Becca is making him seem that way, when he is just a normal guy. I have seen that happen in other books and I hate it. I really hate being wrong when my gut is telling me that I am right. Who knows? Unless you have read the book, then you know (;

Well, I will try and finish the book because I really want to see what happens in the end. I am really confused about the break-ins and falling off of coasters and stuff that keeps happening to Nora as well as who this creepy guy/girl in the ski mask is.

I will update this as soon as I finish!
Read on!
Maddy Nicole xoxo


Ok, so I finished the book and was completely wrong about everything. I'm really confused right now, was Patch the good guy or bad guy? Either way, Elliot wasn't the bad guys, Jules was. Didn't see that coming. So it did end somewhat like Fallen in the aspect of Patch being an angel, but he could be with Nora (SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T READ FALLEN) unlike Luce and Daniel. Anyway, I liked the ending once everything started to come together and make sense. Maybe I'll continue on with the series. Hopefully the next one is better!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Someone to Love *SOME SPOILERS*

Well, what can I say about this story? This book took a while to get into. The summary of the book makes the book sound better than it is. Like other books with slow beginnings, this one finally picks up in the middle when they finally get together. There wasn't as much tension between them as I thought their would be, but there was the concept of love at first sight. That drew me in a bit, considering I believe in love at first sight. Yes, as I said in my other post, I am a hopeless romantic, so I am a sucker for books that deal with love at first sight. However, I had higher hopes for this book. Girl wants to become a slut, guy is willing to teach the girl, but ends up falling for siad girl and isn't willing to let her go.

So one part that I really enjoyed in this book was the hair dresser. She made me laugh at everything she did and said. I probably looked really stupid as I read that part of the book at the dinner table. Holding in laughter=Not a cute face. I wish she was in the book longer, but she didn't really have a major role in the book. In fact, I think it was more of a filler chapter than anything.

So, like most YA romance novels, there was an opposing force to the relationship between Cruise and Kendall and that was Cruise's ex-girlfriend, Blair. I thought that Blair would have been more of a problem, and she was at the end of the book when she exposed everything that Cruise and Kendall did, but they got back together pretty quickly and easily. I thought that there would have been more of a problem with their relationship, but their wasn't. Cruise siad somethings that made Kendall run back into his arms.

Looking at Goodreads, it says that this is book one so I was expecting the breakup to transfer over to the second book, if there is a second book. The book ended really quickly so maybe the author has more in store for the next book. I am really hoping that if there is another book, it still follows Kendall and Cruise, not some other characters. I didn't really like any of the other characters, so if there is another book and it is a spinoff, then I won't be reading it.

I give this book 3.5 stars. If you need something to read, then I would point you in the direction of this book.

Read On!
Maddy Nicole (:

Monday, June 24, 2013

Too Far Series

Well, I haven't posted in a while. I meant to stay on top of this blog and post after every book I read, but that obviously didn't happen. So I will just do this book series that I finished in two days. Yup, three books, two days. Now, this book is NOT for young readers who think they can read YA novels. Nope,  this is really for YA readers. But anyway, I'll get to reviewing the book before I get distracted and move on to doing other things.

So, for starters, I have developed a Rush Crush. This man, I have no words for him. In the beginning, I hated him. But, like every other YA romance novel, he is the bad boy and Blaire is the sweet, innocent girl who falls for him and his bad boy ways. It is just weird that their are step-siblings. I know that they aren't blood related, but they are family so its a bit weird. Once I overcame that weirdness, the book got better. Scratch that, the book got amazing. I was hooked, which led me to finish all three books in just a few days.

Man oh man, I want to meet a Rush. Once he falls for Blaire, he falls. He does everything he can to protect her and provide for her. He just wants her to be happy. Maybe I am just a HUGE hopeless romantic, but I really want a Rush. Everything he does, is for Blaire. If he makes a mistake, he does EVERYTHING he can to make up for it or make it better.

Again, the author did something that I didn't really like (SPOLIER), but she made it better and almost like a life lesson, NEVER HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX. I saw it coming a mile away, but wasn't sure if the author was going to take that path. Low and behold, she took that path, which just added to the craziness of Blaire and Rush's life.

Now, like every YA romance novel, there is bound to be some force that tries to keep them apart or break them up and that is Rush's real sister, Nan. With a name like Nan, I could tell she was going to be (excuse my language) a bitch. From the get go, I hated her. She was just annoying and a cry baby, which really came out in the third book. She is one of those girls where everything has to be all about her or she will throw a temper tantrum.

Overall, 5 stars for all three books, maybe even 6 for the third book where Rush sings to Blaire and the author actually gets an amazing singer to sing the song (cue swooning and crying). I really wish the author would come out with a forth book and never end the series, but all good things come to an end. I highly recommend this book for hopeless romantics like myself. You will not be disappointed by this book. However, if for some crazy reason you are, don't blame me, I loved the book.

Read on!
~Maddy Nicole :D

Here is the song Fallen too Far: